Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal Infants
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills they also understand language before they can use it . These two factors combine to make signs and singnals an ideal option for intercating with babies
Circumcision: A Cruel Practice (image via parkerthompson on Flickr) Circumsision (circumcision) completely changes the male anatomy and changes the way men have sexual intercourse. The foreskin is a natural part...
Circumcision: A Cruel Practice (image via parkerthompson on Flickr) Circumsision (circumcision) completely changes the male anatomy and changes the way men have sexual intercourse. The foreskin is a natural part...
Circumcision dont do it
Why You Shouldn’t Have Your Baby Circumcised The purpose of this web page is to help you understand why you should not circumcise your baby boy. Think about this: if...
Circumcision dont do it
Why You Shouldn’t Have Your Baby Circumcised The purpose of this web page is to help you understand why you should not circumcise your baby boy. Think about this: if...
Benifits of midwife births
Doctor vs. Midwife Birth: Which is a Better Option for My Baby? One essential factor in ensuring a safe birth is a positive, healthy, and communicative relationship with your birth...
Benifits of midwife births
Doctor vs. Midwife Birth: Which is a Better Option for My Baby? One essential factor in ensuring a safe birth is a positive, healthy, and communicative relationship with your birth...
Home Birth Birth at Home
Planning a Home Birth Planning home birth isn’t for everyone, but the truth is that neither is a hospital birth. There are many options to choose from when you put...
Home Birth Birth at Home
Planning a Home Birth Planning home birth isn’t for everyone, but the truth is that neither is a hospital birth. There are many options to choose from when you put...
Natural Family Planning Fertility Awareness Method
Fertility Awareness Method, FAM Fertility awareness is a way, when followed carefully that can be up to 99.6% effective in preventing pregnancy. In other words, it’s as good as the...
Natural Family Planning Fertility Awareness Method
Fertility Awareness Method, FAM Fertility awareness is a way, when followed carefully that can be up to 99.6% effective in preventing pregnancy. In other words, it’s as good as the...
Side Effects of Birth Control Pills
For a woman, a normal and healthy fertility cycle should include: eggs emitting estrogen (a hormone) cervical fluid changes uterine lining tissues constructing in perparation for pregnancy ovulation This process...
Side Effects of Birth Control Pills
For a woman, a normal and healthy fertility cycle should include: eggs emitting estrogen (a hormone) cervical fluid changes uterine lining tissues constructing in perparation for pregnancy ovulation This process...
Birth Spiritual Birth
Understanding the Spiritual Aspect of Birth When we experience birth, it shows us our divine purpose in life. “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to...
Birth Spiritual Birth
Understanding the Spiritual Aspect of Birth When we experience birth, it shows us our divine purpose in life. “You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to...
Avoiding Cesarean Birth
Healing Our Children Book Excerpt: “If our birth culture was based on wisdom and intelligent foresight we might expect the following to occur: 1. Herbs and acupuncture would be used...
Avoiding Cesarean Birth
Healing Our Children Book Excerpt: “If our birth culture was based on wisdom and intelligent foresight we might expect the following to occur: 1. Herbs and acupuncture would be used...