Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal Infants
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills they also understand language before they can use it . These two factors combine to make signs and singnals an ideal option for intercating with babies
Healthy Babies and Children

“Big” Babies and Small Hips: Should Mamas Be Co...
Fat SQUISHES For this small-framed mama with a healthy appetite, those are perhaps the most comforting words one can hear in childbirth class. You see, during my first pregnancy I...
“Big” Babies and Small Hips: Should Mamas Be Co...
Fat SQUISHES For this small-framed mama with a healthy appetite, those are perhaps the most comforting words one can hear in childbirth class. You see, during my first pregnancy I...

Are Your Child’s Clothes Toxic?
Most likely the clothes you are wearing on you back and the ones you dress your kids in have harmful toxins in them. The effects of these toxins on your...
Are Your Child’s Clothes Toxic?
Most likely the clothes you are wearing on you back and the ones you dress your kids in have harmful toxins in them. The effects of these toxins on your...

A Brief Guide to Natural Infant Hygiene
Early in human history, diapers were not a common commodity anywhere. Most babies were worn on their mothers’ body throughout the day in a traditional papoose or other baby carrier....
A Brief Guide to Natural Infant Hygiene
Early in human history, diapers were not a common commodity anywhere. Most babies were worn on their mothers’ body throughout the day in a traditional papoose or other baby carrier....

Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal ...
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills. They also understand language before they can use it. These two factors combine to make signs and signals an ideal...
Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal ...
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills. They also understand language before they can use it. These two factors combine to make signs and signals an ideal...

Natural Postpartum Care
Breastfeeding Having a child is a beautiful, natural, and empowering experience. Following the birth, especially with the first child, parents sometimes feel confused and unsure. It can be difficult...
Natural Postpartum Care
Breastfeeding Having a child is a beautiful, natural, and empowering experience. Following the birth, especially with the first child, parents sometimes feel confused and unsure. It can be difficult...

Safe Co-Sleeping Provides Whole-Family Benefits
The use of a family bed, bed sharing, or co-sleeping, encourages bonding, promotes breastfeeding, and safeguards health. Though controversial in some circles today, it was once the only way families...
Safe Co-Sleeping Provides Whole-Family Benefits
The use of a family bed, bed sharing, or co-sleeping, encourages bonding, promotes breastfeeding, and safeguards health. Though controversial in some circles today, it was once the only way families...

The Benefits of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean De...
A VBAC can be both safe and healing for families. Despite ever-improving access to medical care, cesarean deliveries carry a far higher risk of morbidity for both mom and baby...
The Benefits of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean De...
A VBAC can be both safe and healing for families. Despite ever-improving access to medical care, cesarean deliveries carry a far higher risk of morbidity for both mom and baby...

Children’s Language Problems Linked to Vitamin ...
A longitudinal study on the association between maternal serum 25 (OH)-vitamin D concentrations during a critical window of fetal neurodevelopment and behavioral, emotional, and language outcomes of offspring recently published...
Children’s Language Problems Linked to Vitamin ...
A longitudinal study on the association between maternal serum 25 (OH)-vitamin D concentrations during a critical window of fetal neurodevelopment and behavioral, emotional, and language outcomes of offspring recently published...

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